NABS State Affiliates

The National Alliance of Blind Students currently has affiliates in four states, but we hope someday to have them in every state and territory of the United States. If there is not yet a NABS affiliate in your state, contact us to learn about starting an affiliate in your state. Welcome to the Florida Coalition of Blind Students (FCBS), the state affiliate of the National Alliance of Blind Students. It is our goal to provide an avenue for advocacy on behalf of blind and visually impaired students, as well as a network of support and communication between students in order to enhance their educational experience.

The Ohio Alliance of Visually Impaired Students is an Ohio organization designed to meet the ever-changing needs of students who are blind or visually impaired.

Ohio Alliance Of Visually Impaired Students

OAVIS IS A non-profit ORGANIZATION CREATED by and for Students who are blind or Visually impaired.

The Ohio Alliance of Visually Impaired Students is an Ohio organization designed to meet the ever-changing needs of students who are blind or visually impaired.

Our Mission

Our Goals

The founding members have set forth the following goals to facilitate our mission:

  1. To develop a scholarship and financial aid information packet for Ohio members.
  2. To establish a mentoring program for new students.
  3. To use OAVIS as an advocate.
  4. To increase job opportunities for students while in school.
  5. To design a web page and/or newsletter.

Benefits of Membership

By joining OAVIS you will have the opportunity to experience the following benefits:

  1. To share your experiences and learn from the adventures of others.
  2. To network with professionals who are visually impaired.
  3. To participate in social events (i.e. seminars, workshops, and other gatherings).
  4. To build leadership skills through community activities.
  5. To promote a more positive attitude toward the abilities of people who are visually impaired.

Other Benefits

YYou will enjoy joint membership with the American Council of the Blind (ACB), the National Alliance of Blind Students (NABS), and the American Council of the Blind of Ohio (ACB-O) at no additional cost. You will receive ACB’s monthly newsletter The Braille Forum and ACB-O’s quarterly newsletter The Ohio Connection.

Scholarship Opportunities

Both ACB national and ACB-O offer scholarships. Each year ACB-O awards four undergraduate and two graduate scholarships. ACB-O also sponsors one student from Ohio to attend the ACB national convention each year.

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